Ok, let’s try this again

Well I dipped my toes into this blogging malarkey and then, of course, life got in the way. For a while I’ve thought about giving it another go and then never did, but now here I am, starting over.

So, this is me

Today is my birthday, said of course in Rapunzel’s voice because I obviously watch far to many Disney films lately. I’m 32 today. Meh!

I’m mum to 9 kids. They are all crazy, energetic balls of attitude and hair with a side ordering of sass and cuteness, well some of them anyway. Some of them are now to old for their dear mum to be making cute statements about them because, you know, it’s embarrassing.

One thing that’s very hard to do with a family of our size is get a photo. Professional photographers kind of run for the hills or triple the price, and then my amateur skills produce heads half missing or just blurs, mainly just blurs all looking in different directions.

There isn’t really much else to say about me. I like reading, own so many books it’s probably a fire hazard. I have depression, anxiety and OCD so I’m a right barrel of laughs with my lists and panic attacks. I like skulls and other things ‘dark’, but I don’t like taxidermy or other preserved shit. And, I tend to swear far more than I should.

My life revolves around my kids really. Boring, I know, but that’s the way it’s is. My blog posts are probably going to ramble a lot about life as a large family, the struggles and of course the highlights of it all. We get asked a lot of questions, and tend to get an awful amount of rude comments, so they will probably make an appearance too. Not to mention home education, the pets, mental health issues and cluster headaches.

Chrissyban is my Instagram and you are all welcome to follow me. đŸ˜‰

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